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Albuquerque Roller Derby hosts Red Vs. Green competition: Green prevails

Aug 07, 2023

By Elizabeth Tucker / Journal Digital Producer Sunday, May 21st, 2023 at 3:22PM

Pump up music blared and the sound of skates on concrete floor filled Manuel Lujan Jr. Exhibit Complex at Expo New Mexico on Saturday during Albuquerque Roller Derby's I Love Derby! Red Vs. Green.

Green held the lead more or less the entire event leading 81 to 55 at halftime and finishing the evening 162 to 155.

The group will have another home bout game July 15th also at Expo NM.

Albuquerque Roller Derby is an all-inclusive local team that is always looking for more players and volunteers.

More information about how to join can be found group's social media.

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Albuquerque Roller Derby hosts Red Vs. Green competition: Green prevails Questions about the Legislature?Albuquerque Journal can get you answers