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How to start cement block business

Sep 13, 2023

Nigeria block making machinery

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There are a number of things needed to start a thriving cement block business

Acquire land – A 60 x 120 plot of land preferably in a new and developing site is very good, that will be able to accommodate your blocks and other materials. If you can get something bigger, that will be better but a plot is just very okay for a start. You can either buy or rent one, but buying is better.

Make sure the land is not a swampy area because, that will be affecting your blocks dryness as the humidity wouldn't allow them dry properly. Besides, vehicle may be sinking in a swampy land, thereby making your work more difficult. A dry land is my type of recommended property for setting up a block industry.

Buy diesel Lister – It will be used to power your block moulding machine. There are single and double cylinders, go for the single cylinder because the single one consumes lesser diesel and can power all your equipment effectively.

Make sure you get the original, if you don't know how to identify the original, take someone that knows the original along with you while going to purchase one. Original ones work better, consume less diesel, make lesser noise, and lasts longer.

Sink a borehole – You need plenty of water in a block industry; apart from the water for mixing the sand and cement, you will need water to wet the moulded blocks too. Blocks need to be watered a day after being produced to increase the hardness.

Buying water will not be cost effective in doing all these, so the best choice that I recommend is to dig your own well or borehole. But if you can't, then make do with buying water for the time being.

Get a block moulder – The moulder is different from the diesel Lister, the moulder is the actual machine where the block is moulded; they call it Vibrating Machine, that is the machine that makes the noise you hear from a block industry.

It is constructed locally by local welders who specialise in doing that.

Construct wooden block carriers – That is the name I gave it, the wooden flat objects used to carry the block from the moulder to the drying point. It is constructed by carpenters, usually one thousand or more in number.

Without it, nothing can be done, you need a very durable wood for these. They are very important, you can't mould the block on bare ground, it needs to be seated on something and that is where the wooden block carriers come handy.

Employ workers — Five workers are needed for one machine — one operator (the person who will be handling the machine), two mixers who would be responsible for mixing all the cement and sand that go into the moulder, two boys who would be carrying the blocks (as they are being moulded) from the moulder to the drying point. You may need additional hands such as the cashier and supervisor or you can handle that sensitive part.

Then, you need a driver and two loaders. This will depend on whether you own your own loading truck or it is rented. If you own your truck, the driver and the two loaders will be your direct employees. But if you rent the truck for your supply, in that case, you won't need to hire the driver and the loaders, as they come with the truck hired.

Set up a small shed – A roofed- shed where you will have the Lister and moulding machine set up and operated from. To avoid the machine being drenched by rain, you will need a roof over it. There will be no wall, just four strong beam and roof, that is all that is required.

Get a good supply of cement – Cement is your number one raw material, you will need it in good quantity, as it is not advisable to buy every day. Your supply should be able to last for a week before going for another one. And not all types of cement are good for commercial block production, you need the type that dries quickly.

Build a shop that will be used as a store house for your cement and possibly sell to others from there. Many of the cement block industry owners do sell bags of cement, if you can afford enough supply, you can sell too. Most times, you may get the cement suppliers who will supply you cement on credit and collect the money later if you are a reliable person.

Sand supply – You need that too on a standby. Three types of sand are needed: The sharp sand, the stone dust which is residues from granite, and ordinary mud sand. Three of them are mixed together with cement to come up with the commercial block that is sold out there.

Diesel supply – You will need about 25 to 30 litres of diesel to fire up your Lister machine almost every day, depending on how long your machine works and what it is used to power. In whichever case, you would need a good and standby supply of diesel as part of your raw materials.

With all these in place, you are as good as a cement block industry owner, ready to start raking in millions. But, do not forget, you will need to do some form of marketing. However, in block business your number one marketing tool is quality; make sure you do not trade good quality for gain. Lives are involved too because, if your blocks are not strong enough, the resultant building constructed with the blocks wouldn't be strong as well and you know what that means. Do not overmix the cement with sand.


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Acquire land Buy diesel Lister Sink a borehole Get a block moulder Construct wooden block carriers Employ workers Set up a small shed Get a good supply of cement Sand supply Diesel supply Source: